- Capon - Butter - Herbs de Provence - Garlic - Carrots - Shallots - Shiitake mushrooms - Heavy Cream - Dry White Wine - Olive Oil - Chicken Drippings
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F 2. Make a pomade with the butter and Herbes de Provence, blending well in a little bowl. 3. Chop up half of the garlic into small pieces and add it to the pomade. Mix again. 4. Remove Capon from the bag and make sure to extract the giblets and the neck from inside the cavity. You can use the neck for soup if you wish or simply discard. 5. Sprinkle olive oil into the bottom of an oven safe baking dish before setting the bird inside. 6. Using your fingers, gently lift the skin up off the bird from the tail end and scoop the butter pomade under the skin, over the top of the meat.
1. Spread all over the breast of the Capon, under the skin. 2. Disperse the remaining garlic cloves under the skin and in the cavity of the Capon. 3. Spread the remaining butter pomade over the top of the breast and thighs 4. Using butchers twine, tie the drumsticks together. 5. Set in the oven on the middle rack.
6. Baste every 30 minutes, turning the baking dish around in the oven each time so that all sides are evenly baked (this is especially helpful if your oven doesn't heat evenly) 7. (to baste, if you don't have a turkey baster, simply take a soup spoon and spoon the juices from the bottom of the pan onto the top of the bird several times) 8. 2.5 hours cooking time and your 8 lb Capon should be done! 9. Remove the Capon from the oven and let it rest (in the baking dish) on the countertop while you make the sauce.