– 2 medium sized Eggplants – 2 Medium sized zucchini – 3 large tomatoes FOR THE PIPERADE – 2 large, white onions – 2 red bell peppers – 1 large tomato – 5 cloves of garlic – 1 tbsp tomato paste – 2 tbsp olive oil – 4 branches of thyme - remove the leaves from the stem GARNISH – Olive oil – Niçois olives – 1 branch of fresh thyme
In a large, heavy bottomed pan (like a dutch oven), heat 2 tbsps of olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions and the thyme leaves. Sautée for about 5 minutes. Pour 3 tbsps of water into the pan to deglaze the onions and then sautée for another 5 minutes until the onions become translucent.
Spoon the Piperade in the the base of a round, oven safe dish. We used our round, 10 inch Mauviel pan but you can absolutely use a 10 inch pie plate or a cast iron pan for this recipe. First step done! Now here is where the artistry comes in. It is time to make the beautiful rose shape that characterizes this dish.
Place your Pastry circle in the center of your dish. Skin side up, gently place the half eggplant slices all around the inside of the pastry circle, overlapping each slice with the other by about 50% until you make one full circle. This requires patience, I know, but the end result is worth it!
After 1 hour and 10 minutes, remove the Bayaldi from the oven and allow to cool a few minutes. Very carefully remove the pastry circle, pulling it straight up to not destroy the shape of your Bayaldi.