This Smoked Salmon Tartine will be your new favorite brunch recipe. Smoked salmon with capers, lemon, red onion and fresh dill are absolutely exceptional on a slice of toasted sourdough bread slathered with my not-so-secret ingredient, creamy Boursin Cheese. A garlicky, herby cheese that is so popular in France that we can also find in grocery stores in the USA and all over the world.

– 2 large Sourdough Bread slices, sliced about ½ inch thick. (you can also use a baguette for this recipe, sliced in half lengthwise, or slices of rye bread) – 1 tablespoon of butter – 4 tablespoons of Boursin Cheese – 4 ounces of smoked salmon – 2 teaspoons of capers – 1 lemon (for slicing and also to zest the lemon peel) – 4 thin slices of raw onion – Fresh dill (a few fronds)



– Over medium heat in a non stick pan, heat the butter. Brown both sides of the bread slightly, for just a couple minutes each side until golden brown. – Allow a few minutes for the bread to cool and then generously slather the Boursin Cheese onto the grilled bread. Top with smoked salmon, I recommend bunching up the salmon slices a bit (like the photo) so that you are not lying the slice of salmon flat on the bread. It makes for a prettier presentation


– Top with the capers, sliced red onion, lemon slices and dill fronds as well as a little lemon zest. – If you wish, you can add a few grinds of black pepper and a good pinch of sea salt. – If you don't have dill fronds, feel free to use the fresh herbs that you have - chives or parsley work really well.

Soft Scrambled Eggs or hard-boiled eggs are delicious. Fresh steamed asparagus or zesty salad like this Salad Mentonnaise work beautifully too.